
About Us



Frequently Asked Questions

I'm not sure outdoor advertising is right for my business?
You may be right. Outdoor advertising can't be switched off. Channel changed. Paused or closed. Read the articles provided in the hints and tips section to see if this is the best advertising medium for your organisation.

Why would we want to advertise with you when we can use other advertising medium/media that potentially reaches more people?
We promote a low cost long term effective advertising solution which is in front of the local community. Various advertising medium/media is required to capture different peoples attention and as we all know a picture speaks a thousand words. When your potential customer searches out a business in your category in directories or the Internet your message has already spoken to them, assisting them subconsciously to choose your business out of the masses.
Note that with radio/TV you can change the station during ad breaks. With a directory service you have to open and search through a book. With Internet you have to turn on the computer and search sites. We are in your face and believe we are just another string to your advertising bow.

For multi sites why do you recommend having our message on ACM utilising an anti graffiti print?
Our experience has found cor-flute and bubble flute are not made to last. Their flexible nature allows them to be targeted in more ways than just tagging. Paint and marker pen can be wiped off quickly from an anti graffiti print which also has very high UV ray resistance qualities. This keeps your image looking sharp for longer, keeps your overall costs down as well as promoting professional looking sites. We want you to look good!

The business or service advertised is not in our area yet you promote supporting local business. Why is that?
Our commitment is first to supporting New Zealand business, made in New Zealand, preferably New Zealand owned and operated, keeping the money and jobs in New Zealand. Sometimes a business is not yet local and wants to be or has a specialised product or service that is not available locally. If you believe in this same philosophy of keeping your country working encourage your local business to contact us and be noticed!

Why do you have a free space for charity?
We believe in giving back. There are people and organisations within our society that require our support to help them in their task of helping our community. When every business gives something back to the community then more good work will be done by these good people with less demands on funds at a central government level.

Why do you have a monthly booking cycle?
We want people to keep noticing the sites. Our belief is this keeps the sites 'fresh', interesting, and your message will continue to have it's desired impact.

I want to make a long term booking and happy for my sign location to be changed on the monthly cycle. Do I pay another fee to have my sign moved to another position on the same face?

You pay only for sign installation and removal. We rotate the signs, on the same face only, for no charge.

We want our sign to remain in the same panel, is this possible?

Yes. Use the communicate with us page to advise us of your special requirement.

What happens if our sign is damaged or sprayed with graffiti?

If we cannot remove the graffiti quickly and easily or your sign is damaged, your sign will be removed and replaced with your spare. If you have chosen not to provide a spare and your sign is damaged then we will contact you. In the meantime a charity sign will take the place of your sign until your sign replacement is available.

We are a charity and want to promote a particular campaign or event. Why would we have to pay for a spot when there is always a free place on each face?
There are always more charities than space available. We appreciate the good work that is done in the community for the community however there are real costs to maintaining and improving each site. If your charity organisation has a campaign we are happy to work with you to get the most from your advertising dollar. We are also working on a project that would allow multiple businesses and charities to advertise within a specific sign panels and will advise when this service is available in your area.

Why are there only two methods of payment and no payment facilities through the website?
Our business model is a low volume transaction business and we have endeavoured to keep costs to a minimum. Internet banking fits in with this model and offers a low cost, timely and secure method by which to make payment. If you know of a low cost business alternative please share the information through our
communicate with us page.

What happens if our sign is consistently targeted by graffiti or damage?
Graffiti is a problem in society that has been around throughout the ages. If your particular sign is targeted consistently we will contact you to advise and discuss how we can improve your sign panels longevity. We are here to promote your business and help keep your costs down in the process.

What happens to my sign at the end of the booking?

Your sign will be returned to the physical address you provided when you registered as a client. We remind you to keep your details up to date.

I've become aware my message or the site has been tagged or damaged. What should I do?

We encouraged you to report this via the website
communicate with us page. Our sites are also monitored and anything that is not right will be put right. We welcome any feedback, questions, comments or concerns and we will ensure you and your message receives the attention deserved in a timely manner.

I don't have print ready graphics can you help?
Graphics is a specialist area. Check out the nearest sign maker to you or speak to our team member Tony

I have my own sign or skin already!
Great! Follow the instructions emailed to you after you have make the booking.

Why are there no actual email address on your site?
Various technologies exist scanning web pages 24 hours a day, collecting email addresses for spam. The web form allows us to concentrate on genuine emails and provide a better service to you.

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